A 26.2 mile Journey

October 07, 2014

I'm not a runner. Obviously, I'm not adverse to exercise since I ride my bike regularly, but cycling is about wind and speed. Not pain. It's the pain (lungs, heart, legs) that I feel after running down the block that reminds me why I'm not a runner. 

But both of my daughters ran in the Twin Cities Marathon last week. I followed the route on my bike and cheered them on (full disclosure: I only rode 23.4 miles). Since I'm not a runner I don't know what it's like to complete a marathon, but even watching the grueling event from the sidelines made me feel introspective and metaphorical:

  • At the beginning of a race, when you're feeling good, there's a crowd to share your enthusiasm. When things get tough you feel like you're going it alone.
  • If you can look beyond the pain you'll realize that there are people who care on the sidelines cheering you on.
  • One step at a time.
  • For a few it's about the destination, for most it's about the journey.
  • Same distance no matter how long it takes.
  • The last mile is always the hardest.
  • Celebrate!

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